07 June 2013


Social Impact Assessment (SIA) was formally discussed in Malaysia as a tool in social and landuse planning in the mid 1990"s. Various initiatives were mobilized by the government and non-government bodies towards enhancing and institutionalizing SIA which had subsequently encouraged private sector consultancies and institutes of higher learning to participate in improving the practice of SIA. There were many parallel interests to form MSIA by committed individuals spread across the country. In order to expediated the establishment of an association of professionals involved in SIA, a Pro-tem Committee was officially formed to work on the registration of the Association. The Association was formally approved by the Registrar of Societies in 2005. Since then, Annual General Meeting have been held every 2 years. The Executive Committee for the 2011/2013:

President - En Kamalruddin Shamsuddin
Vice President - Dr Dahlia Rosly
Secretary - Dr Susheel Kaur
Assistant Secretary - En Nai Chun Wei
Treasurer - Dr Hamzah Jusoh

Committee Member :
- Dr. Azmizam Abdul Rashid
- Mr. Philopose Philips
- Ms. Tee
- Dr. Hafazah Abd Karim

Auditor :
- Mr. Saiful Azman Abdul Rashid
- Mr. Megat Shahrir Zainal

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