13 December 2013



The purpose of the Manual is to guide to:
a)   help all concerned consider the social impacts in development proposals;
b)   provide a step-by-step procedures for undertaking social impact assessment study as additional document for the Development Proposal Report;
c)   enhance consistency, certainty and transparency in Local Authorities’ assessment of the social impact of development proposals;
d)  assist Local Authorities to improve their understanding and assessment of social issues relating to development applications;
e)   local councils, whom assess the project submitted by the applicants before the planning permission is being granted to the applicant;
f)    developers, whom is the applicant for planning permission;
g)   affected party, whom may involved through survey, public consultation etc.; and
h)   other development agencies.

The manual can purchase from:
Research and Development Division
Federal Department of Town and Country Planning
Ministry of  Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government
Unit No. 50-12-2B, & 50-13-1, Wisma UOA Damansara
No. 50, Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights
50490 Kuala Lumpur

Tel :-  03-20816000
Fax : - 03-20941170
Email : bpp@townplan.gov.my

website : http://www.townplan.gov.my/

08 December 2013


Social impact assessment has its roots in government measures designed to understand the impact of public service programs. Since the 1990s, venture philanthropists, foundations, high-performing nonprofits, and social investors have entered the assessment field, experimenting with a range of tools, frameworks, and best practices. Take a walk through six decades and see how social impact assessment has evolved, and what it suggests for the future

1950s | 1960s | 1970s | 1980s | 1990s | 2000

01 December 2013


Frank Vanclay , Ana Maria Esteves . Publication Date: February 29, 2012 | ISBN-10: 1849801177 | ISBN-13: 978-1849801171

Book Description

'This book should be read by anyone commissioning impact assessments who wants to build their understanding of the more progressive and innovative end of the topic. A job well done in the eyes of stakeholders and regulators requires proper social analysis.'
- Jon Samuel, Head of Social Performance, Anglo American

'The list of authors reads like a who's who in SIA. Academics and practitioners are equally represented among the authors. The book provides a good mix of broad theoretical concepts and specific practical topics.'
- Martin Haefele, Manager, Environmental Impact Assessment at Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada

'This book gives a very broad overview of where Social Impact Assessment is coming from, where it is now and where it could go: from an impact assessment tool to an impact management tool. It provides a realistic insight in both the achievements and the struggles of Social Impact Assessment. A recommended read for both those interested in Social Impact Assessment and those in related domains where social issues are gaining increasing importance, such as Environmental Assessment and Sustainability Appraisal.'
- Rob Verheem, Deputy Director, Netherlands Commission for Environmental Assessment

This important new book outlines current developments in thinking in the field of Social Impact Assessment (SIA). It advances the theory and practice of SIA, and argues that a dramatic shift is required in the way socioeconomic studies and community participation is undertaken. The book emphasizes that, much more than the act of predicting impacts in a regulatory context, SIA needs to be the process of managing the social aspects of development and that there needs to be a holistic and integrated approach to impact assessment. It stresses that greater attention needs to be given to ensuring that the goals of development are attained and enhanced. This significant addition to the literature will be an invaluable reference for academics, consultants and practitioners.

Add caption

15 November 2013


Henk A. Becker , Frank Vanclay

Publication Date: November 27, 2006 | ISBN-10: 1847201059 | ISBN-13: 978-1847201058

Book Description

Social Impact Assessment (SIA) is the process of analysing and managing the intended and unintended consequences on the human environment of planned interventions (policies, programmes, plans, projects) so as to bring about a more sustainable and equitable biophysical and human environment. This important Handbook presents an indispensable overview of the range of new methods and of the conceptual advances in SIA. Recent increased attention to social considerations has led to substantial development in the techniques useful to, and the thinking in, SIA. A distinguished group of contributors provides an up-to-date and comprehensive account of the cutting-edge in SIA development.

Editorial Reviews



"'This book provides a valuable addition to the Social Impact Assessment (SIA) literature. While the volume addresses several good examples of "how to" case studies it also firmly addresses the importance of the need for firm conceptual and theoretical guidelines for SIA practice... the volume is an excellent contribution to the SIA literature and I highly recommend it to both practitioner and researcher alike.' - Geoff Syme, Australasian Journal of Environmental Management 'An innovative collection which takes social impact assessment to the frontiers of environmental and social policy and citizen awareness. Unusually, this collection includes both sophisticated quantitative tools and equally important chapters on participation, stakeholder involvement and environmental mediation. A most valuable source book.' - Michael Redclift, King's College, London, UK"

About the Author

Edited by Henk A. Becker, former Professor of Sociology, Utrecht University, The Netherlands and Frank Vanclay, Professor of Rural Sociology, Tasmanian Institute of Agricultural Research, University of Tasmania, Australia 

01 November 2013


Hear about social impact assessment from four practitioners who have been helping build the field. Jed Emerson, Tris Lumley, Sean Stannard-Stockton, and Brian Trelstad comment on assessment from the perspective of social investors, foundations, individual donors, and social enterprises. They share some lessons from history, and look into the future.

Interviews on impact